1 Utama Shopping Centre has a hidden gem to show you and it’s not another shop this time! Compared to the busy restaurants and shops it harbours, this place is all about peace, quiet and soaking up some nature vibes: it’s a 30,000 sq. ft luscious green area on the rooftop called Secret Garden (UR level or Upper Roof level) filled with about 500 types of flora species.

Get your brew at Yew Yew
We registered at the entrance booth first, then picked up an iced coffee at the cozy, modern, and wooden adorned café next door. It is currently utilised by pop up Yew Yew, which offers delectable croffles (‘croissant waffles’) to visitors. While we waited for our drink, the kids had run into the ‘garden’ already. “It’s like a green maze!” was the first thing they exclaimed. “I love it, can we come back again”, was the next question.

Promoting sustainability at Secret Garden
I have to admit, Secret Garden is lovely done and set up: small pathways meandering around bushes, plants and small trees lead you past a waterfall and a pond, over small bridges to hidden corners and pergolas. Find your cozy place and have a nice relaxed sit-in.
This spacious garden consists of 2 main areas with all plants and flowers beautifully maintained – green and colour blending in nicely. That a team of renowned botanists have had their say in the development and nurturing of this garden (their information pages mentioned that it took 5 years of ‘secretive’ work and planning) clearly shows.
High performance green technologies are adopted at this experimental garden such as chilled water irrigation and rainwater harvesting systems. Each plant is specially created on a bed of bio-carbon soil too. Species cards are provided at times as well, and I take a closer look at the tea bushes as well as the arabica coffee plant, while resisting picking the passion fruits that are abundantly hanging over my head.

I can imagine people coming here after a busy day of shopping to catch their breath, or just to relax and clear their heads. Whatever the reason, it is a nice and very welcome green addition to 1 Utama Shopping Centre. If only other malls would take this example to greenify their own premises!

How to find it
Plan your visit ahead to the Secret Garden as it is only open on weekends and public holidays. It is a bit of a challenge to find though: park or let the taxi drop you off at the New Wing. From the ground floor, find H&M, then walk further to HSBC bank. That particular elevator opposite HSBC will take you to the Secret Garden on the 5th floor. Those that have visited Camp5 indoor rock climbing: it is one level up from that floor.
If you’d like your kids to burn off energy before heading home, head to Camp5 or RollwerWa, both of which are in 1 Utama!