M World Hotel Petaling Jaya: great option for travellers

M World Hotel Petaling Jaya

The location of M World Hotel Petaling Jaya (previously AVANTÉ Hotel) alone, is superb for tourists (either from out of the country, out of state or even for those who just wants to do a staycay in town). With 1 Utama Shopping Centre and the Bandar Utama MRT Station, a mere 5-minute walk away via a direct link bridge, you have plenty of options before you. You can spend the day at 1 Utama eating, shopping or having a go at the multiple activities available there such as singing your hearts out at Diva Karaoke, go roller skating at RollerWa or even hitting a theme park at NextGen. You can also hop on the MRT and venture out further to explore.

Check-in was smooth and the room we got was on a high floor. The room was spacious, decked out in warm hues and inviting. It was only the teen and myself but if you are a family of three or four, all of you can easily fit in one room with additional beds – it is THAT spacious.

Deluxe Twin Room at M World Hotel Petaling Jaya
Deluxe Twin Room

The hotel

After dropping off our luggage, we headed to Level 15 to check out the Saltwater Infinity Pool. Even if you don’t want to take a dip, go to take in the view. See if you can spot Petronas Twin Towers, KL Tower and Merdeka 118! The teen did take a dip and whiled the time away in one of the pool loungers. Do note though that there isn’t a lifeguard on duty so keep a close eye on children when in the pool and around the pool.

Swimming Pool, M World Hotel Petaling Jaya
Saltwater Infinity Pool

On the same level, there is the Kiddies Club. It has a climbing frame along with a slide that goes into a huge ball pit. There aren’t set activities like in resorts but I believe that young kids will still have tons of fun on the slide and the ball pit alone. There are also little toy sets scattered around which young children will like. Most importantly, the club is clean and well maintained.

Kiddies Club, M World Hotel Petaling Jaya
Ball pit at the Kiddies Club
Kiddies Club, M World Hotel Petaling Jaya
Kiddies Club

For dinner, we ate at Indulge, their Coffee House. I went with local cuisine whilst the teen opted for western cuisine. The local cuisine definitely won out – not only in terms of taste but also in terms of promptness. I had finished my main and yet the teen was still waiting for his to arrive. It was the same for our desserts. Service was lacking even though it was only the two of us at the time, so it was a tad of a trying experience.

Buffet breakfast at Indulge on the other hand was superb! I could hardly believe that it was the same restaurant as the night before. There were plenty of options of both local and western food on offer, and the food was good. Do take a full walk through the outlet though as we nearly missed the cereals and salad counter towards the back of the restaurant. Service was also attentive and prompt during breakfast.

What did we think?

When we were invited to an overnight stay, I happily accepted as I wanted to play tourist in my own backyard and I knew how convenient it would be from M World Hotel Petaling Jaya. The teen and I took the MRT for the very first time and it was because it was so easy to get to from M World Hotel Petaling Jaya – I didn’t need to drive to the station first! Being used to the Subway system in Seoul, we found the MRT impressive and easy to navigate (more so when I can read and understand the language here!).

M World Hotel 13 of 44 Enhanced SR - Happy Go KL
Riding the MRT

Because of the ease to get to the MRT Station, M World Hotel Petaling Jaya is a great option for families looking for a base to explore Klang Valley. With the MRT, getting to places is easy and without hassle. Food, shopping, and fun is also at your doorstep with 1 Utama Shopping Centre just a short walking distance away (I like that it’s via an overhead link bridge so you don’t have to worry about traffic).

The best part? M World Hotel Petaling Jaya felt like a haven after a full day out as it’s located away from 1 Utama Shopping Centre – you get away from the crowds!

You can book your rooms here.

We were invited by M World Hotel Petaling Jaya. As always, our opinions are honest and our own.

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