Meet the Mamas

Meet the friendly team, always on the lookout for new, interesting things happening close to home here in KL and a bit further away!

Wisana - Happy Go KL
durianmama - Happy Go KL


DurianMama left the Netherlands more than 25 years ago. Merel will always miss friends, family and Dutch liquorice, but nothing beats living in Asia.

This is where she discovered DURIAN. She is in love with the king of fruit, hence her moniker DurianMama.

Merel is married to an Ozzie and the proud mum of two children. They have called KL home for 10 years now. If Merel is not writing, or eating durian, she plays tennis.

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Eve, our Mama-in-chief, is now back in KL after saying “annyeonghi gaseyo” to Seoul. A born and bred Malaysian, she loves discovering and trying out a variety of F&B outlets that pique her taste buds.

She’s not a food critic, she just simply loves food! It always helps to have her plus two tagging along as they sometimes have to rein her in when she does the ordering.

Eternal wanderlust will forever be ingrained in her soul as is her penchant for using ‘lah’ at the end of her sentences.

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spanglish mama profile - Happy Go KL


With a Spanish mother and British father, Anna grew up with a mix of languages – hence the name Spanglish Mama. As a fresh-faced 20-year old she first tasted life overseas teaching English in Spain.

Many moons, four countries, six cities, one husband and two children later, her adventures took her to KL. Anna considers her biggest holiday challenge coaxing her children into any venue with the word museum in the title.

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rebecca - Happy Go KL


Born in KL, Rebecca moved to Melbourne for her studies when she was 19. She continued living there for seven years before moving to London for another five years. Having been away for so long, she and her husband decided to move back to KL three years ago. Now with two young cheeky girls in tow, every weekend is spent exploring KL. During her free time, GirlyMama loves to bake and do girly activities with her girls. And yes, she loves the colour pink!

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flavia - Happy Go KL


Flavia was Born in Rio de Janeiro but has lived abroad for years. With an Italian husband, two active kids, two lazy cats and dozens of beautiful freshwater fish, she is kept busy. She loves writing, traveling, crafts, books, and recycling. She has decided to go chemical free, hence the name Ecomama. The journey to organic, zero waste, chemical and plastic free has been challenging but extremely rewarding!

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Pipa - Happy Go KL


Pipa is a part time laboratory business owner with her husband, and likes to dabble in extreme sports and charity events. She loves learning new things and hates waste of any kind. Mum of 2 energetic girls, she loves to stay active and often has adventure trips when they travel. Climbing, hiking, abseiling, jungle stays, river trips, getting outside their comfort zone. She is working on her handstand.

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vickyround - Happy Go KL


Vicky swapped the grey climate of the UK for sunny Malaysia two years ago. She lives in Johor Bahru with her husband and two children aged 5 and 9. When not teaching English, you’ll find her practising the piano and driving her family crazy with her constant singing – she’ll never say no to a karaoke night (hence her name, Karaokemama). Vicky is always on the lookout for new family adventures and spends the school holidays exploring Malaysia and beyond.

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Agnes - Happy Go KL


Agnes has lived more than half of her life in various countries on 3 continents.
She has spend the last 20 years in Kl with her stoic Danish husband, her 2 perpetually annoyed teenage kids and her ever growing menagerie of rescues (currently 2 cats and 2 dogs).
Dislikes – intolerance, wilful ignorance and cruelty to animals. Loves the arts, delicious food, good company but most of all travelling. Seeing the world and experiencing new cultures, is TravelMama’s absolute passion. Abides by Hans Christian Andersens motto ”To travel is to live” and trying to instil, with varying degrees of success ( museums are a hard sell) that passion in her children.

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Chris aka FloralPapa is Tasmania, Australia, rooted with a plant addiction growing from his first strawberry pyramid at the age of four among the fruit trees and vegetables in the family back yard. A career in landscape architecture followed culminating in working in Kuala Lumpur from 2015. Now running a boutique landscape business and writing about all manner of things on

FloralPapa is dad to three, stepdad to seven and papa to four grandchildren. Happy we are! Monsoon season will find him surfing the east coast of Malaysia’s peninsula and he is always on the lookout for a cheeky game of ping pong.

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Sue Ann - Happy Go KL


Born in South America to a Javanese mother and Chinese father in a country that is as multi-ethnic as Malaysia, Sue Ann considers herself a true ‘rojak’ person. In Malay itself, ‘rojak’ means ‘mixture’. It is also the name of a mixed raw fruit and vegetable dish that is served up with a spicy tangy sauce. And that’s how her family and friends know her as well: sweet but at times fiery.
She moved to the Netherlands when she was 11, then moved to China after her studies where she met her husband. Two kids and a few countries later, they have settled in Malaysia.
RojakMama loves to write down her family’s adventures. In her free time, you will find her enjoying a meal with friends, volunteering as a teacher or exercising in the gym.

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Viktorija scaled e1688275686198 - Happy Go KL


Viktorija, a Latvian-born with Russian roots lived from the age of 13 in the Netherlands and embarked on an extraordinary journey. Leaving her comfort zone behind, she now resides in Kuala Lumpur with her husband and their three beautiful daughters. As a firm dreamer and YOLO-kind of person, Viktorija embraces the expat life to fulfil her family’s dream of living in Asia. Now cherishing every moment in KL, this RadiantMama is more than happy to share her insights and experiences with fellow parents in this stunning city.

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Viktorija scaled e1688275686198 - Happy Go KL


Viktorija, a Latvian-born with Russian roots lived from the age of 13 in the Netherlands and embarked on an extraordinary journey. Leaving her comfort zone behind, she now resides in Kuala Lumpur with her husband and their three beautiful daughters. As a firm dreamer and YOLO-kind of person, Viktorija embraces the expat life to fulfil her family’s dream of living in Asia. Now cherishing every moment in KL, this RadiantMama is more than happy to share her insights and experiences with fellow parents in this stunning city.
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