Have you got the feeling your life is put on a hold? That the entire world’s focus is now on the COVID-19 virus? Indeed, the virus has got the world in its grip. On 16 March 2020, the Malaysian government declared a movement control order, all schools and most businesses will be closed and everybody is holding their breath. Well, that might be a good thing, actually.
While Happy Go KL is all about things to do with kids and where to go, it has become clear that staying put is the best decision nowadays. By staying home and delaying all holiday travel, also within Malaysia, you’re protecting yourself and your family, as well as others.
In the meantime, please do have a look at some information below we thought comes in handy. There is a lot to find online, but we tried to combine all useful info into one post. Please bookmark this page; we will keep updating it over the next few weeks.
The COVID-19 virus. What is it?
- What is it? What are the symptoms? This and a lot of other questions are answered in this read from the World Health Organisation.
- How to protect yourself and your family and what to do if you think you’re sick?
This advice comes from the USA Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, read more here.
- Do I have the coronavirus if I am coughing or sneezing? Can eating garlic prevent infection? Should I be concerned about my pets? Should I panic? A lot of your questions are answered in this guide.
- A COVID-19 fact checker from The Guardian, please read it here.
- How is it transmitted and why is it so infectious? Good insight information about the virus from the Ministry of Health in Malaysia. Read more here.
- The IATA TravelCentre updates daily on their website on travel restrictions around the globe.
- On travel restrictions and social distancing. A rather long article from Mr Tomas Pueyo, but worth the read. Insights in development of the virus, how it is spreading and why acting now is so important.
- Should I stay or should I go? Video from CNN.
- A website from ASEAN Briefing with daily updates by country on the situation and travel restrictions. Read more here.
- More on why now is not the right time to travel, from Lonely Planet.

- Countries which have imposed a lockdown and to what extent. You can find more info here.
- A powerful message from the CEO from Lonely Planet. You can read it here.
Update: a full ban is in order for overseas travel for Malaysian citizens till 14 April. Those returning from overseas must undergo health screening and quarantaine for 14 days. Tourists won’t be allowed to enter Malaysia.
Airlines policies
- A lot of airlines are currently easening their cancelation and change policies. The national carrier Malaysia Airlines outlines their new policy here. Effective 13 March 2020, Malaysia Airlines has introduced an ultimate flexibility ticket change policy, offering unlimited, free changes to all new and existing bookings. You can call them at their Global Contact Centre at 1-300-88-3000.
- This is a useful article from the Rakyat Post, which contains links to all airline websites where you can find info on how to cancel or change your flight. Read it here.
Malaysian news
- Updates from the Ministry of Health in Malaysia.
- The COVID-19 tracker gives an overview of the amount of confirmed cases in Malaysia. It also shows a map with places where infected people have been. Also attached is a patient list, which shows people’s connections when they contracted the virus. You can also find contact details for the MOH hotline on this page.
- You can find a list here of hospitals in Malaysia that run COVID-19 tests and admit COVID-19 patients.
- This interactive dashboard/map from the WHO provides the latest global numbers and numbers by country of COVID-19 cases on a daily basis.
- Here is another interactive map from Johns Hopkins University. You can use the map to track cases of the virus around the world.
Practical information
- If you’re after a list of fish food delivery services, please check out this article from Happy Go KL with a list of suppliers.
- If you want to have a meal delivered from tried-and-recommended restaurants in KL, have a look please at our listing here.
- You might already be in self-quarantine or hesitate to head to crowded hospitals for a checkup. In that case, this is for you, if you’re after a home test kit.
- And here you can find an online test from Doctor on Call which you can take to find out if your cold or flu symptoms are related to the virus.
- This website from Diabetes UK contains information for people with diabetes who are concerned about the virus.
- Here is a handy list from Cnet for the supermarket, in case you want to stock up on some extra items in the pantry. You’ll need more than just toilet paper!
- How do you talk to your kids about the virus? Here is a good read from the National Association of School Psychologists. Please also have a look at our previous post earlier this year from Kacaumama on talking to children in times of crises.
- This is a good one to show to the kids: a useful poster from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control on how to wash your hands properly.
Social distancing
- Flatten the curve! What does that actually mean? Read it here. We’re in this together. Let’s all share responsibility.
- What can you do to save other people’s lives? Keep your distance! More in this video from CNN.
- This article in the Washington Post explains with useful graphs and simulations how we can slow down the spread of the virus end how to minimise infection. Read more here.
To brighten up your mood
- A message from The Juice Media. Please watch this Youtube video (warning: contains some coarse language).
- Need advice on how to stay healthy? Grandma knows best!
- And watch all about ‘The Four Stage Strategy’ in this Youtube video.
- This might be a great one to do with kids at home. Wash your hands lyrics generator. I sing ‘Killer Queen’ now every time I wash my hands.
Background info / further reading
- A timeline of historical pandemics to compare COVID-19 with other diseases that have been around.
- Here is an interesting read from NewScientist, if you want to know why children don’t seem to get ill.
- Reduced travel has led to lower carbon emissions and China for example has more bright skies than ever. Read all about the positive impact of the lockdowns here.
- Some perspective: the Spanish Flu which took out from Cambridge University, estimates say that 40 million people died, or about 2% of the world’s population. Watch it here on Youtube.
From all of us at Happy Go KL: we wish you well and please stay safe. We’re all in the same boat. And we will get through this.
All data and opinions in this post is for informational purposes only. Acting or refraining from acting based on links to articles published in this post are for the reader’s own responsibility. All links are provided as a convenience to our readers and are not intended to be an endorsement of the linked sites. We assume no responsibility for content on any linked site.