Piying Dream: immersive, vibrant and enchanting art at REXPERIENCE

Do you relish immersive art experiences that combine vibrant colours, evocative music, and captivating shadow puppetry? If so, prepare to be delighted by Piying Dream, an innovative production brought to life by REXPERIENCE and the creative minds at Danny Rose Studio and the Temple of Light.

Drawing inspiration from traditional Chinese shadow play – honoured as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage – this unique show presents a reimagined Chinese legend through a modern lens. Combined  with two other shows, the whole experience transcends traditional boundaries, creating a dynamic narrative that envelops the entire venue and is an unforgettable sensory journey.

The venue

REXKL, a vibrant community and cultural centre, nestled in KL’s downtown, is the venue for this show.  Upon entering the exhibition venue located on the 2nd floor, visitors step into a colourful world where the walls and floors become canvases for a vivid storytelling experience. Piying Dream operates from 10am to 10pm, offering hourly shows so there is ample opportunity for visitors to delve into this unique artistic encounter although not all shows include the live performances.

The entrance to RXP

As I mentioned, the show itself is made up of three immersive art shows – the main Piying Dream followed by The Matter of Painting and finally Annihilation. Each segment seamlessly transitions into the next, keeping the viewer engaged. The use of the entire room as a dynamic backdrop creates an illusionary effect, where one feels completely enveloped by the unfolding scenes.

The venue’s comfortable seating arrangement, with its cosy beanbags and wooden stools, further  encourages visitors to settle in and truly immerse themselves. You can also walk around as long as you don’t disturb others. The day we were there, we were the only ones, so that was not an issue..

Piying Dream: the show

The main show Piying Dream begins with an enchanting exhibition of digitised puppets that glide across the surfaces, accompanied by the lilting strains of Oriental music. Featuring over 3,000 digitised shadow puppets, Piying Dream pays homage to this timeless art form while infusing it with contemporary digital artistry. This modern twist on the traditional shadow play is visually stunning, vibrant, and truly  captivating. The initial segment showcases tales of iconic Chinese figures such as Wu Song and Zhuge Liang.

Piying Dream
Piying Dream

Following the gorgeous puppetry display, Piying Dream transitions into The Matter of Painting, an inventive segment inspired by the Action Painting Movement of 1950s New York City.

This part of the exhibition showcases the  process of creating art in live performances, exploring a variety of painting techniques. One particularly mesmerizing technique involves the pouring of vibrant colors that blend and cascade onto the floors, creating a stunning visual spectacle. This vivid display not only highlights the beauty of colours but also reflects the profound impact they have in depicting life as a continuously evolving canvas.

Matter of Painting
The Matter of Painting

The Piying Dream experience concludes with Annihilation, a captivating performance that combines  dance and digital art. This was very moving. The performance features a dystopian story enhanced by innovative visuals and a dynamic spatial soundtrack using advanced motion capture to project the live dancer’s movements in real time against a backdrop of stunning  landscapes. Annihilation delves into the intricate relationship between humanity, technology, and nature.


Love it!

I thoroughly enjoyed this extraordinary exhibition.

The unique and awesome visuals paired with superb surround sound amplified the immersive experience, allowing me to truly appreciate the artworks and feel the stories told in various styles. I loved the set up, the comfortable beanbags, and the freedom to move around the hall. The show is only 1 hour long and I enjoyed every minute. Whilst I think it is suitable for older children, younger ones might find it tedious after a while and might be affected by the sounds and flashing lights.

Piying Dream
Piying Dream

I definitely recommend this to not only all art lovers but also those who want to experience something different in the always exciting REXKL.

To plan your visit and for ticket prices, click here.

Why not pop into BookXcess RexKL and do some book shopping before or after the show? Great place to while your time away!

We were invited by REXPERIENCE. As always, our opinions are honest and our own.

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