Collaboration spaces reimagined at the Hilton Kuala Lumpur

A well-established brand within the hotel industry in KL, Hilton Kuala Lumpur recently celebrated the launch of their refurbished collaboration spaces within the hotel. Due to the past pandemic, festivities had been delayed, but now the time was right to show off their new event rooms. 

The hotel’s collaboration spaces on the sixth floor ooze a relaxed atmosphere and seem to be designed to meet the needs of different groups and events of all sizes. The amount of tables, lighting, decor and the size of the space: anything can be tailor-made. Let’s have a look around!

The Sentral Ballroom

collaboration spaces

Upon entering the sixth floor of the hotel, we were ushered into the Sentral Ballroom, a space designed to accommodate up to 300 guests. A beautiful, refurbished space, which potentially could be suitable for any milestone celebration like a wedding, a gala dinner or perhaps for that school graduation dinner, or maybe even grandmother’s 100th birthday party? It isn’t difficult to imagine the kind of parties to be held here!

Please meet Flip and Chargifi at the Innovation Suite

Our friendly host then guided us to the Innovation Suite, where hotel staff were happily acting as participants in a ‘business meeting’. I found the state-of-the-art-technology used in this room quite amazing. It turned out that the hyper modern flip chart was called Flip and I can see how this kind of technology could make meetings easier. Another device used here is Chargifi, allowing guests to stay connected at all times with wireless charging for their devices, so you never run out of power.

Next up was the Lake Garden Foyer with an entrance marked by lightened circles; very Instagrammable! Determined to get a souvenir from the evening, my plus one and I headed to the photo booth 2.0. Why the 2.0?

Hilton 12 - Happy Go KL

Well, while standing on an elevated platform, a camera circles around you to make a 360 degrees video. Pretty awesome and the option to download it on your phone afterwards adds even more to the fun.

The Verve at the Grand Ballroom

Hilton - Happy Go KL

Of course, the pièce de résistance at the event was the Grand Ballroom and I have to say, they’ve done an amazing job here. When you enter this space, please do look up to see The Verve, a chandelier designed by LASVIT, a glassmaking company from the Czech Republic. With the movements of dancers in mind, the translucent lighting installation on the ceiling seemed to adopt different shapes while catching the light changes in the room. Simply mesmerising.

The hotel happily managed to spoil us further with food samples coming from all restaurants in the hotel. We had the pleasure to try Chinese and Western cuisine from Chynna, Iketeru and Graze. The dishes come from an always-on menu, featuring fresh, locally sourced produce. 

Hilton - Happy Go KL
Hilton 2 - Happy Go KL

Guests at the event were entertained by dancers and a violin performance. Of course, the highlight of the evening was the official opening of the collaboration spaces itself, accompanied by bubbles and a superb lightshow. Well done, Hilton!

For any queries on event spaces please call 03 2264 2264. You can also drop an email to Senior Sales Manager Ivy Hiew. More info on the event spaces here.

We were invited by Hilton KL. As always, our opinion is honest and our own.

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