TraXion Indoor Karting

indoor karting

July 2020 saw us itching to try something new. We had just come out of the MCO and like the rest of the nation all we wanted was to get out. As my daughter is almost 14, I thought a spin in a go kart would warm her up nicely for some future driving lessons. They have to start somewhere, right?!

We sought out an indoor arena, called some mates and headed to TraXion Indoor Karting. It is apparently the largest indoor Go Kart circuit in Southeast Asia. It is nearby KL in Petaling Jaya, close to Kelana Jaya.

Kiddy karts and larger beasts

TraXion Indoor Karting

My youngest was 11 at the time and a bit on the wee side. She had the kiddy kart (RM30 per session). The others were tall enough to reach the pedals of the larger carts. Donning a hair net and putting on their helmets, they slid around the first lap to be flagged off for race time. Tentative at first, then increasingly faster… The girls had great fun!

After the first session, the girls were keen to try again, so we signed up for a second round. Some spun into the barriers (no one was hurt) and my youngest girl knocked her chin into the steering wheel (minor bruise), but overall it was a lovely day out.

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For kids and adults alike at TraXion

Their staff are well trained and very attentive, giving safety tips to the girls. I would recommend this place for kids from about 6 years and up. They also have timed races for highly competitive adults, as well as simulation training next door with local Formula One hero, Alex Yoong.

Check out their Facebook page here for more details. TraXion is currently closed, but they will open again after the MCO is over! There is a café next door with some local food favourites, cool drinks and most importantly: air-con.

Address: Lot No, 1, Jalan SS 8/6, Sungai Way Free Trade Industrial Zone, Petaling Jaya, Selangor (near Kelana Jaya). Kart rental costs RM60 for 10 minutes.

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