Riding for the Disabled Association, Bukit Kiara

RDA (Riding for the Disabled Association) Bukit Kiara, located in Kuala Lumpur, is a truly special place that provides therapeutic horseback riding for children with disabilities.

Horseback riding at RDA Bukit Kiara provides children with disabilities the opportunity to socialise and make new friends. The programme is a great way for kids to come together, support one another, and have fun in a safe and inclusive environment.

How does horse riding help the children?

Riding for the Disabled Association

Not only is horse riding a fun and exciting activity for kids, but it also has numerous health benefits. As a parent, there’s nothing more important to me than the health and well-being of my children. That’s why I was thrilled to discover RDA Bukit Kiara.

One of the main benefits is the improvement in physical strength and coordination. As kids ride the horse, they must use their core muscles to stay balanced and control their movements. This can help to improve overall muscle tone, flexibility, and coordination. 

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But the benefits of horseback riding at RDA Bukit Kiara go far beyond just the physical. Being around and caring for animals has been shown to have a calming effect, and the sense of accomplishment and responsibility that comes with horseback riding can boost a child’s self-esteem. It’s amazing to see the transformation in the children as they progress through the programme and build confidence in themselves.

By volunteering at RDA Bukit Kiara, you’ll be helping to provide these valuable benefits to disabled children in your community.

Volunteering with disabled children

RDA Bukit Kiara doesn’t just benefit the children – it also provides a sense of purpose and fulfilment for the volunteers who make it all possible. As a volunteer myself, I can attest to the joy of seeing the smiles on the children’s faces and knowing that I’m making a difference in their lives.

As a volunteer, you’ll have the opportunity to lead activities and provide support and encouragement to the children. This might involve helping them get ready for their rides, assisting with equipment, or simply being a friendly face and listening ear.

As someone who has had the opportunity to volunteer at RDA Bukit Kiara, I can say first-hand that it is an incredibly rewarding experience to be a part of. Not only will you be helping disabled children gain valuable health benefits, you’ll also be gaining a sense of purpose and the satisfaction of knowing that you’re making a positive impact.

‘Side walkers’ needed at RDA

One of the most rewarding roles is to be a ‘side walker’ or ‘leader’. These volunteers assist the children during their riding lessons by walking alongside the horse and providing support as needed. It’s amazing to see how much the children love the horses, and being a part of their care is a truly special experience.

No prior experience with horses is necessary – RDA Bukit Kiara will provide training for all volunteers. You just need a love for working with kids, feel comfortable being around horses and a willingness to learn.

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There are still other volunteer opportunities available, such as assisting with fundraising events, office work, and social media management. Whatever your skills and interests, there is a way for you to get involved and make a difference at RDA Bukit Kiara.

The kids are always having fun and are getting the chance to experience the joy of horseback riding. As a volunteer, you can be a part of something truly special and make a difference in the lives of these children.

I highly encourage you to visit their website, contact them directly through their FB page here or fill in their online registration form for volunteers here. You can also email them here.

Registering for the programme

Sessions are held twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Bukit Kiara Equestrian Centre. Click here for the online registration form. Applicants as young as 6 years old can join the programme.

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 If you’re looking to get your children involved in volunteering, read 4 charities in KL where kids can volunteer.

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