Malaysian flavours at Little Rimba café, TTDI

This TTDI café is so insta-worthy! In this SNAPSHOT, have a look at this cute spot, great for a Sunday lunch with kids in Taman Tun. Light and airy, with splashes of Malaysian culture, which this Batikmama is always on the lookout for.

We opted for mostly Malay dishes, but I think the western pasta and roast might be the way to go for kids. There was also a big fluffy waffle with ice-cream that looked tempting.

little rimba vegetarian option - Happy Go KL
litte rimba coffee and food - Happy Go KL

This is what we had:

  • Soto Ayam – nice hot comfort soup with chicken broth, veggies and noodles, which was yummy.
  • Lontong – one of my local favs, but was not impressed here. Very greasy and had a different glamour. Think I’ll stick to my friend’s mum’s lontong at Raya.
  • Nasi Lemak – rich in flavour with the coconut rice. They used the local rempah (spices) to flavour the chicken. Kids approved.
  • Family fav was the Roast Chicken, over mashed potatoes, veggies, and a mushroom gravy. Hearty and tasty. And great value at RM 18.
little rimba taman tun - Happy Go KL
rimba cafe taman tun - Happy Go KL

Great outdoor seating for a cool day. They also sell local biscuits and quirky hand-printed tote bags.

Definitely worth a visit with the family! Check them out on insta here. You can find Little Rimba at 1 Lorong Datuk Sulaiman 7, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur.

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