I’ve driven past Kepong Metropolitan Park countless of times – it is hard to miss in the weekend afternoons with kites littering the sky. Since we now have one running enthusiast and one proud owner of their first bicycle this seemed like a perfect place to entertain them both. And while I am not too keen on either sport, I can always hobble along and take photos in the not-so-flattering rainy season light.

Why Kepong Metropolitan Park
We should have come here years ago! Kepong Metropolitan Park is massive, according to the info the track with paved cycling lane and a rubberised jogging lane is over three kilometres long. Along the way we passed a playground, picnic tables, exceptional amount of greenery and fantastic views over the lake all the way to KLCC.

After the rain the feeling was almost autumnal. After pushing the “I want to ride my big girl bicycle” lady on the few steep hills, even the running enthusiast was pretty beat.

By the entrance there is a great play area with swings. Kites and small refreshments are sold by the car park. Early morning the options were drinks and keropok, but by the looks of it there will be a bit of a mini-bazaar later on in the afternoon. Near the entrance there is also a large circular area perfect for learner cyclists.
If you’d like to explore more parks where you can take your bikes, have a look here at this article. Don’t have a bike yet? No problem, we’ve vetted a few good bike shops for you! Have a look here.

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