Art and more at Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia

Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia

Influences of creativity within the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia have a core belief in the greatness of Islam, and in many ways is a celebration of that. At the same time, the displays offer something for everyone young and old regardless of beliefs. After all, it explores colour, form, and structure that is common to all forms of art expression.

Picture 4 Enhanced SR 5 - Happy Go KL

Clothing, jewellery, coins, pottery, calligraphy, mosaic, texts, scrolls, carpets, weapons and armour, art pieces, architecture with scaled down model mosques, and journeys of Islam to and from distant shores almost complete the collection. Selected Rumi quotes add thoughtful and wise charm to the experience throughout.

25th Anniversary at Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia

The 25th Anniversary, is host to a special exhibition mainly based around the art of calligraphy and was my first stop. I had trouble moving on from a 2-panel piece as I kept on finding more details in it. Is there a duck’s head and other features in it or not? That is the fascinating intrigue of art. Don’t wait too long to go as the exhibition finishes on June 30th.

That set the tone for what became a multi floor adventure for about 2 hours which could have just as easily been 4 hours, but I was time limited.

The galleries and architecture

There are three more floors up from this exhibition to wander and absorb this pathway of history entwined with art. All up, there are twelve different themed galleries with displays spanning 1,400 years. There are extensive and clearly written interpretation panels to help in the journey of exploration.

Picture 10 Enhanced SR 1 - Happy Go KL

There is more to this place than the exhibits. The overall architecture of the building detail and internal finishes are as relevant as the housed exhibitions. Wonderfully modern with great use of natural light, well linked and spaced exhibition areas consistently infused with Islamic design principles.

Stop and look at the wall calligraphy and make sure you look up and take in the details of the four translucent ceiling domes all with their unique design twist.

Access is either by the lifts (be careful, the doors shut quickly), stairways for the fitness inclined and a between floors marathon ramp. Thirsty or hungry? The fabulous, airy and tasteful Moza Restaurant takes you on its own journey of middle eastern cuisine. The visit is topped off by the well stocked gift shop with a wide range of well crafted goods to choose from.

Two words describe the overall experience – absolutely fabulous!

More information

The Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia is located on Jalan Lembah, Tasik Perdana Kuala Lumpur and is not far from KL Bird Park and Kuala Lumpur Butterfly Park.

Opening Hours are 9.00am to 6.00pm, seven days a week and admission is RM20 for adults, RM10 for school age children and for those six and under, admission is free.

There are children based activities including “Museum Quest” and story telling, and art and craft activities on Saturdays. All the information is available at the main reception and the staff are happy to answer any queries.

You can make a whole day out whilst in Lake Gardens. Read top things to do in Lake Gardens!

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