Alice Saves Wonderland: good time for the whole family

Alice Saves Wonderland

Looking for a fun and meaningful activity for the whole family? Alice Saves Wonderland the Immersive Journey, in The Exchange TRX, offers a unique and immersive adventure that combines magic, interactive storytelling, and sustainability. This fun experience invites visitors of all ages to join Alice on a quest to restore balance to Wonderland, with engaging challenges and digital art installations that bring her fantastical world to life. It sounded exciting so I decide to check it out.

Magic or adventure?

My adventure at Alice Saves Wonderland began with a choice: the Door of Magic or the Door of Adventure. Feeling bold, I chose the Door of Adventure and was immediately greeted by a slide (definitely not suitable for the elderly or pregnant!), which sent me tumbling into the Adventurous Fall room, where I had the chance to chase the White Rabbit. As I explored, I entered the room behind the Door of Magic. It led to a colourful flower bed garden, known as the Gateway to Wonderland.

Door of Adventure
The slide

While strolling down its alley, the wise caterpillar perched on a mushroom shared a cryptic message with me, unveiling my mission: to save Wonderland from impending destruction. With newfound purpose, I pressed on.

Gateway to Wonderland
Gateway to Wonderland

I then ventured into the magical realm of The Enchanted Forest. The talking flowers reminded me of nature’s fleeting beauty, and majestic animals faded in and out of view to remind me that if humans don’t act soon, these wonders could be lost forever.

The Enchanted Forest
The Enchanted Forest

Next, I discovered the Rabbit House, a delightful, miniature world. I crouched down to marvel at the fine details but then, in the blink of an eye, I shrank to the size of a teacup. This shift between sizes reminds us that, just like in Wonderland, the environment requires both a broad view and a keen eye for the small details to truly understand and preserve its delicate balance.

Quest time

In the Mystical Forest, I was handed a torch and sent on a quest to find the elusive Cheshire Cat. Seven times….. definitely trickier than it sounds! Each time I finally spotted his eyes and directed the light toward him, he would appear in all his enigmatic glory, only to vanish into thin air.

Next, I entered the vibrant and colourful Red Room, ruled by the Red Queen, where a life-sized chessboard stretched out before me where each move represented a strategic choice to help protect Wonderland. Another fun highlight was the AI booth, where I could snap a photo of myself ‘falling down the rabbit hole’.

However the ultimate highlight of my adventure at Alice Saves Wonderland came with the Final Showdown with the Trash Dragon, a  symbol of waste and pollution threatening Wonderland’s beauty. Armed with a sword I had to defeat the Dragon which was not only a victory for Wonderland but also a reminder of the need to protect our world from the tide of waste.

Alice Saves Wonderland: the ending

As my Alice Saves Wonderland journey drew to a close, I made my way to the Wonderland Tea Party. There’s a cafe and a gift shop selling cute memorabilia, and I couldn’t resist snapping one final photo at the tea party booth.

Overall, my visit to Alice Saves Wonderland was a charming little adventure.

Though geared towards a younger audience, it offers a perfect escape from reality and adults will enjoy it too. If you’re in search of something fun and unique, I recommend checking it out!

Alice Saves Wonderland runs until 16 February 2025. You can buy your tickets here.

After spending time indoors, get the kids outdoors by heading up to TRX City Park!

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