The Ritzy Weekend Feast: Guest Chef Andy Choy in action

Chef Andy Choy

On a rainy Friday night, we braved traffic into town to head to The Ritz-Carlton, Kuala Lumpur for a taste of its The Ritzy Weekend Feast. The Ritzy Weekend Feast showcases cuisine from cities where Ritz-Carlton hotels are located.

The Ritzy Weekend Feast – let’s eat

As with any buffet, there were Salads, Seafood on Ice, Sushi, and Cheeses on offer. I have to say, the Cheese Platter at The Ritzy Weekend Feast, has to be the most gorgeous arrangement I’ve seen in a hotel buffet yet. With cold cuts, crackers and fruit, spread out amongst the various cheeses, it was a work of art. What a beautiful sight. It was very disconcerting for me to ‘dig into’ that piece of art but hey, someone had to, and it might as well have been me (oh, the sacrifices I make).

The Ritzy Weekend Feast cheese platter
Cheese Platter

For hot food, there were selections ranging from Thai, to Japanese, to English, and even to Spanish cuisines. Unfortunately for me, I couldn’t sample anything from the Thai selections as I’m not able to take anything spicy. But judging by the number of diners queuing at the Thai section, it was most definitely a hit.

Ritzy Weekend Feast - Thai cuisine
Thai cuisine

For Japanese cuisine, there was a Yakiniku Grill section, which was also very popular as the chef was grilling the meats on the spot. He couldn’t grill them fast enough as whenever he topped up an empty tray, the meats were gone in seconds. There is also a Ramen Station for all ramen fans out there.

Ritzy Weekend Feast - ramen station
Ramen Station (Photo by Caleb Chow)

For Spanish cuisine, there were two kinds of paellas on offer: Squid Ink Seafood Paella, and Chicken and Turkey Chorizo Paella. Paella is one of my favourite things to eat when I’m out since I won’t ever cook it at home, but the paellas on offer were a bit to wet for my liking.

Ritzy Weekend Feast - paellas

There’s also Roast Beef on a trolley, carved on the spot for you. The Ritz-Carlton Kuala Lumpur has never disappointed in terms of their Roast Beef. We’ve been to The Library many times over the years, just for their Sunday Roast, which in my opinion is the best in town. Salmon Wellington is also on offer if that takes your fancy.

Ritzy Weekend Feast - roast beef
Roast Beef (Photo by Caleb Chow)

Guest Chef Andy Choy

Ritzy Weekend Feast - Chef Andy Choy
Guest Chef Andy Choy and his team from N.I.C.E Bistronome

On this particular Friday night, we were there for Guest Chef Andy Choy’s, who is the executive chef and partner of N.I.C.E. Bistronome, Chateau Dionne, and Doux Doux by Chateau Dionne, live kitchen. With two decades of global fine dining experience, including 3 Michelin starred Guy Savoy in Paris and Gordon Ramsay in London and Dubai, Choy was Champion of the 2017 Chef Par Excellence Competition and a finalist at the 2018 Concours Gastronomie Paris.

I have heard of Chef Andy Choy as Chateau Dionne is on my list of ‘eats to try’ (am I the only one with this list?!). I didn’t realise that he had open a new eatery – N.I.C.E Bistronome, as we’d been living in Seoul. So to get an invite to The Ritz-Carlton Kuala Lumpur for a buffet where Chef Andy Choy was serving up his signature dishes from N.I.C.E Bistronome was a not to be missed event – for me at least!

Ritzy Weekend Feast - N.I.C.E Bistronome
N.I.C.E Bistronome at The Ritzy Weekend Feast

Chef Andy Choy and his team were cooking up a storm as the queue for his food was unceasing. On the menu for that night was Foie Gras Choux Straciatella with Figs, Seafood Bouillabaisse, Mushroom Tortellini and Tiger Prawn Pasta.

All I will say is, now I know why Chef Andy Choy is so celebrated. I truly wanted to take multiple portions of both the pastas (yes, I’m not afraid of carbs), and the Bouillabaisse but the line of hungry diners behind me stopped me.

And when you’re done with your mains, keep an eye out for N.I.C.E Bistronome desserts at the dessert counter (blink and you’ll miss them – I nearly did). Tiramisu and Pistachio Canoli were on offer that night and both were heavenly!

Pistachio Canoli
Pistachio Canoli (Photo by Caleb Chow)

The rest

To help you wash down your meal, there’s a variety of juices available, plus coffee or tea. I like that the buffet comes with an option of drinks, and not just water.

A live band plays a few sets throughout the night but a word to the wise: if you intend to have your meal and have a conversation with your fellow diners, then you should ask for a table further away from the band. The volume is set to L-O-U-D. But if you’re there solely to eat (or perhaps with a teen who’d rather not be seen with you), then anywhere is fine! The band do take breaks so you do get to eat in silence, and then have a conversation should you (or rather the teen) choose to.

Chef Andy Choy rotates his menu with different dishes at The Ritzy Weekend Feast, weekend to weekend. He will be there until the end of November 2024.

The Ritzy Weekend Feast is available every Friday and Saturday, from 6.30pm to 10pm at The Cobalt Room. It is priced at RM170++ per person. For more information and reservations, please WhatsApp or call +60 18 623 0037.

We were invited by The Ritz-Carlton Kuala Lumpur. As always, our opinions are honest and our own.

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