This article was first published in April 2016.
In my experience, kids are quick to adopt green ideas and are very good environmentalists. Maybe it’s their natural inclination towards rules and structure, who knows! Here are some ideas I’ve used to introduce how to recycle to the kids.

- Explain what recycling is all about. This recycling song by Busta and Pong is a good introduction. Good old Peppa Pig is pretty responsible for a piglet. This episode is all about recycling.
- Separate your waste and recycle at home. Use recycling boxes/containers – any boxes will do. Ikea used to have recycling stickers you could stick on any box, but I am not sure if they still have them. If you want to do it the cheap way, you can download very nice labels here and print them on sticker paper. Or you can always head to Etsy and order some very stylish ones.
- Use cardboard boxes and toilet rolls for crafts. If your school doesn’t yet use junk for arts and crafts, introduce them to the idea and collect empty containers to be taken to school.

- Show the kids how the recycle station works. Kids love putting things in the right bins. If your condo or area doesn’t have one, there is one at the car park of IPC Shopping Centre.
- Be strict about batteries – no batteries in the bin! Store them and bring them to a battery collection point (see above).
- Compost your biodegradable waste. I’m not yet an expert on this, but it’s on the bucket list! Read this article for a quick introduction for a DIY compost. To make it more appealing to kids, consider a suitably yucky worm farm – instructions can be found online, for example here.
- Making paper is a fantastic way to show kids how recycling actually works. You can reuse old newspapers to make new paper – a very nice activity for the kids!
- Ask your kids to periodically go through their toys and clothes and donate the unwanted ones to charity (Jumble Station by Parents without Partners, Chin Student Organisation and Community Recycle for Charity accept donations, as do many of the charities in KL listed here.)
- Have a look here at our article from DYIMama for great craft recycle projects.
Have you got more ideas to help kids recycle? Leave a note in the comment box below!
5 Responses
A very nice way to teach everyone the most disturbing issue of the world . The ideas are practical and doable…
Thank you! We have to start teaching the little ones… Hope the adults will follow our kids passion for nature.
These are great ideas. I think sometimes the most difficult thing to teach kids (and adults) is the first R – Reduce – using less in the first place.
Thank you, and yes, I totally agree! A post is coming up soon on the other two Rs!