You know those little bags filled with sweets, MSG impregnated salty snacks and plastic nonsense toys that at their worse make you deaf already in the car on the way home from the party? Party bags! Their contents vary from harmless to annoying and of course in some cases, extravagant (we are NOT talking about fancy dress outfits or Disney themed backpacks for all 200 guests here). Sometimes that little devilish bag seems more important than the occasion. When in my deprived childhood it was a liquorice bar and a mandarin if you were lucky. Would you like better ideas for part bag fillers?
We have come across some great ideas for party bags fillers, that won’t cost any more than the usual suspects and are much more fun – not to mention healthy and sustainable. Here are three:
1. Books
Who can argue against books for party bag fillers? The Big Bad Wolf Sale that happens every year around November is the best place for bargains, but BookExcess (the force behind the sale) at Amcorp Mall has great prices throughout the year.

2. Potted plants
Our little gardeners have managed to keep them alive for months. The secret must be no watering and absolutely no attention. Best place to start looking is Sungai Buloh, where the nurseries line the road leading to Subang airport. How’s that for a party bag filler?
3. DIY kits
Crafty sets will buy you some quiet minutes. What parent would not prefer that over a whistle? Start looking at MR. D.I.Y or Fun ‘n Cheer. Daiso and the other Japanese MYR 5 stores sometimes also have a good selection of stationery items but you can get stickers for less than MYR 5 elsewhere. They make great party bag fillers too!

Have you got great ideas? Please do share in the comment box!
4 Responses
Try Playcentre Library Association for the best children’s library PJ has adult books too,so a family affair.Or join story time at DBKL TTDI library every 2nd & 4th Sunday 11.30am. Puss in Boots is on at PJ Live Arts this weekend
Thanks Anne! Great tips on libraries and the story time has been on my to do list for a while!
Thanx for the tips. Timing to see ur blog. M preparing for my child’s bday.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great party!