Gyms are open since a few weeks. After all the lockdowns, it’s time to get back into a good workout routine. We interviewed Ms Jinie Kamal, the owner of Impulse Studio Asia in Malaysia. Her gym conducts EMS classes. EM-what…? Let’s find out!
Please tell us about yourself?
My name is Jinie Kamal. I started Impulse Studio in May 2014. Impulse Studio is an EMS (electrical muscle stimulation) gym, where we use machines to help our clients to burn some fat and gain or maintain their strength with maximum effort in 20 minutes time.
The idea of us starting the EMS gym came about after the passing of a few family members, due to health issues. I realised there is a disconnection between people and exercise. It’s so hard to commit to exercising every day, or at least three to four times a week for an hour.
Exercising can be complicated and time-consuming for people in general, like myself and my family. It can also be costly to get a professional personal trainer for 3-4 times a week. You can of course train by yourself; however, again it’s time consuming, you must know the technique so you won’t injure yourself and you must have the patience and commitment… which many of us do not have.
I cater for people who want to get healthy and maintain their general wellbeing, but are lacking the time, the commitment, and the discipline. My clients are mostly busy parents, professionals and business owners who are always on the run and often procrastinate when it comes to their health.

Can you tell us how impulse training works?
Our wearable machines help you to increase 50-70% of your maximum heart rate in less than 10 minutes and will maintain this for effective fat burning during the workout. The loading from the pulses will activate your muscles and will strengthen them.
Impulse training consists of three elements in one go. The training includes cardio and strength (the frequency replaces the weights) and there is the element of rehabilitation for people who are suffering from bad posture, back and knees problem and general body limitation.
Easy peasy and now everyone can be strong and fit! Our machines are approved by the FDA in the US and TUV in Europe. Safety is always our priority beside gaining results.
How has the pandemic affected your business?
The many lockdowns have had a major impact on our business. Our overhead costs remained the same, but we haven’t had any income for almost a year. We haven’t been able to conduct online classes, because of the suits you need wear during our sessions. The government promised to assist with a one time grant, but until today we haven’t seen any of it. Because of the lockdown, our KL Sentral branch is still closed for now.
Impulse Studio in Bangsar is open since 4 October. How excited are you?!
Yes, we’re open, after being closed for 5 months! A lot of our clients has lost their momentum and our goal is to try to get them back on track.
The way to fight this unseen health threat, is to keep striving to be healthy and fit. Exercise is our long-term investment in health. We need to constantly invest to grow and maintain our muscles and strength for our older age or when we get sick.

What are you putting in place to guarantee a safe workout?
We have an air purifier in our studio, the Carbon Dioxide sensor, we sanitise our studio regularly, and we only allow two people per slot. We sanitise and wash our wearable suits constantly.
On top of that, our training only lasts for 20 minutes. You’d be in our studio shorter than you do grocery shopping, or dine in a restaurant.
If you like to know more about Impulse Studio, contact Ms Jinie Kamal by email, or have a look at their FB page here.
Would you like to find out about other gyms as well? Have a look at our list of favourite KL gyms here!