After our recent expeditions to KL parks (have a look at our reviews here and here) we felt we were ready for the FRIM with kids. It is the Daddy of all Parks: the Forestry Research Institute of Malaysia, FRIM. We’ve explored FRIM before but have not ventured further than the waterfalls with the kids – an easy walk up concrete steps. Paddling in the pools and sending leaf boats down the small rapids is a great way to pass a morning but we felt we needed a challenge. So off we went:
Ready to conquer FRIM with kids?
When the lady at the information centre told me it would take two hours to finish the trail, I did hesitate for a second. But we set off with our four and six-year-olds still feeling sporty. The first part of the track is a wide gravel footpath, a steady uphill of about one kilometre. Before we got to the end of the first part the moments without any whining were getting few and far between. A well signposted path led even further up the hill but this one was narrow, rocky and in parts had slippery steps. This turned a bored six-year old into a mountain goat (go figure!) that leaped ahead and was exited because he “could feel his heart”. Hence the remaining 600 meters we had to drag behind only one drama queen who said “autsch” on every step.

We made it up, however. Pretty impressed with ourselves. Seeing the canopy walk we realised we hadn’t fully prepped the kids for this on the meaning of canopy walk and hanging bridges – thankfully they showed no signs of vertigo and happily stepped onto the wobbly bridge.

What a fantastic green lung KL has in this bit of forest. Listening to the sounds of the jungle you wouldn’t believe you are a stone’s trow away from the hectic city and its fumes.
Canopy walk
The actual canopy walk is not very long, and afterwards you have to make the journey in reverse order (surprise!). The mountain goat wanted to continue further up on the rocky paths but we managed to convince him to head down. Even the little one got exited about jungle walking and performed heart stopping jumps off the rocks and branches all the way down. After the first descent there is a small waterfall suitable for paddling and soaking your tired feet.
Sprinting competitions helped the kids finish the gravel bit of the path and before we noticed (two hours later, indeed) we found ourselves back at the starting point.
Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)
52109 Kepong
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: 03-6279 7000
Entry tickets to FRIM are bought at the main gate. The sale of the tickets for the canopy walk start at 9.00 am at the info centre in building D6 – buy them before starting the walk. The canopy walkway is opened to the public from 9.30 am to 2.30 pm last registration is at 1.30 pm. It is closed on Mondays and Fridays and on days with bad weather conditions or haze.
- Note: the canopy walk is now permanently closed. Check the FRIM website for details and any changes.
3 Responses
Ah Frim – you’ve reminded me that I need to make a return visit.