The sound of the barking dogs is deafening, and I hesitate for a second before entering the shelter. Mr Yong, one of the volunteers, beckons me inside and shares with me how many dogs live at the Meefah Homeless Animals shelter. I barely believe it. Almost 2000?
If that number isn’t already baffling enough, he tells me they also care for 20 cats, a three-legged monkey (“poor thing got stung by electricity pole”), some tortoises, and a giant pig.

While some dogs are in cages, by themselves or together, others are casually lying on the ground or walking around in the large premises. I carefully tread through the shelter, trying not to step on paws, tails, ears or noses. One black and white dog keeps nudging my hand, while I follow Mr Yong on our tour through the shelter. Please don’t do that sweet little one, otherwise I will adopt you on the spot. A shame our two rescues at home won’t like that!

Adoption is an option!
That’s exactly what the MeeFah volunteers are promoting: adoption of their beloved canines. “We do a house visit first and decide if the place is safe for dogs. After that, we request an adoption fee of RM 300 to cover for vaccination and neutering. A few of our dogs have found good homes, but many are stil waiting for adoption.”
Mr Yong has been with the shelter for 12 years and together with his wife Ms Kim and some other volunteers as well as paid workers, they run this massive shelter. Mr Yong explains that the MeeFah shelter practices a ‘no kill’ policy. “We love all our dogs, and our favourite is a husky named Kapo. He is sick and he needs daily medication.”

Ms MeeFah
Madam Chan Mee Fah started the MeeFah Homeless Animals Shelter 15 years ago, with 30 homeless dogs at her home. She kept taking homeless animals into her care, looking after them herself without any support from the public. She passed away a few years ago and Mr Yong took care of the dogs, being challenged to ask the public to help with donations. At some stage, the volunteers at the shelter had no choice but to euthanise all dogs, since there was no cash left to buy food. Luckily, due to a massive marketing campaign, slowly funding trickled back in.

After we’ve passed a big cage with a massive pig inside, we continue to the area where food for the dogs is prepared. To say that this process is impressive is an understatement. It does take some effort to feed so many hungry souls!
How can the public help?
Costs of keeping 2000 dogs alive is still a daily challenge for the shelter, where per month 6000 kg of rice is needed, plus costs for salaries of employees, the electricity bill, and vet fees. All help big or small is welcome! Interested donors please remit to the following bank account: MBB A/C NO 5129 7806 1258 (Persatuan Penjagaan Anjing & Kucing Liar Selangor).

There are other ways as well to help – please contact Mr Yong by WhatsApp on 012 3312680 or email him here to find out how. And of course you can always consider to adopt a friend for life from the shelter! You can find out more from their FB page here.
MeeFah Homeless Animals shelter is located at 1858, Kg Rincing Hulu, 43500 Semenyih, Selangor.
As I walk back to my car, leaving the canines behind, I do hope that the black and white dog will be adopted one day. Are you that special person willing to give him a forever home?
“You can’t change an animal’s past, but you can rewrite its future.”