Christmas head start in KL!

In our neighbourhood the Christmas lights you normally see only in December seem to be up all year. They must have figured there are so many festivals throughout the year, it’s easier to just leave the lights on from Deepavali to Chinese New Year. The jingle bells in the supermarkets and malls started a few weeks later than usual this year, maybe that’s why I wasn’t quite ready for December when it finally came. But now it’s here!

We had a head start last week and demolished a load of Ikea gingerbread dough.

Ikea gingerbread

These are even better than the ones they sell in tins. We have already finished one. Tin.


I’m not quite there yet with the decorations and the tree – I never get used to getting the tree up on the first of December. When I was a child we used to bring the tree in on 23rd December but having been exposed to other schools of thinking I do agree you get very little Christmas tree time that way. We have bought the Ikea trees previous years and they do miraculously last for weeks and weeks.

The most important ritual for this time, however, is writing to the elves. As everyone knows they lurk around in December and write things on their notebooks. They also deliver children’s’ wishes to the headquarters in Finnish Lapland. We always light a candle so that they find the letters, and add a gingerbread biscuit as a small token of our appreciation.

Christmas notes for the elvess

Christmas to-do

Since we will be away for Christmas, my to-do list for December is blissfully short, but it includes:

– Take the kids to see the Christmas decorations at Pavillion.
– Make a personalised video greeting from Santa Claus.
– Christmas cards! There are only a few that need to be sent in these digital days but for those abroad I use online-services where you can upload your photo and make the payment by credit card. No need to worry if they make it in the snail mail.
– Visit the Christmas bazaars.
– Invite friends and neighbours for some gluhwein/mulled wine – whatever you want to call it – and more gingerbread. Maybe even some mince pies that you can find in some bakeries and bazaars. Which by the way I thought were made of minced meat for years and stayed clear of them. All those pies left uneaten!

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