Carey Island and the traditions of the Mah Meri

Just over an hour from KL – traffic permitting of course – lies Carey Island, home to the indigenous Mah Meri people. The island was taken over by a rubber plantation in the early 1900’s and today only a handful of the original settlements remain. The majority of the islanders still get their livelihood out of rubber. Visitors can get a glimpse of the their traditions at Mah Meri Cultural village.

Mah Meri Cultural Village on Carey Island

Without the tour it may not be worth the drive to Carey Island, but the wedding ritual and dance were fascinating. The tiniest people found touring of the oil plantation hot and tiring (and they were bitten to shreds!) but the dance cheered them up – although some were terrified by the masked dancers.

The Mah Meri are famous for their wooden crafts that can be commissioned from the craftsmen directly. Other crafts were also for sale, and at the end of the tour we were given a go at creating our own leaf origami decoration.

Carey island drumming
Drummer in the Mah Meri wedding ceremony.
Carey island groom and bride
The bridal couple at the Mah Meri wedding ceremony.
Carey island groom
The groom in the Mah Meri wedding ceremony.
Carey island playing violin
A fiddler in the Mah Meri wedding ceremony.
Carey island bride
The bride at the Mah Meri wedding ritual.

At the entrance we were welcomed by this mother hen, undisturbed by a busload of people.

carey island chicken in a basket
Chicken roosting in a bike basket.

Mah Meri Cultural Village
Kampung Orang Asli Sungai Bumbun
42960 Pulau Carey
Kuala Langat, Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: 010 2522 80 – Please call ahead!

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