Being at home used to be fun! Nowadays we’re busy with non-stop meals, helping out with schooling, coming up with crafts and activities, fighting over the iPad and inventing endless ways to keep your children happy and entertained… We’re all trying to make the best out of the current situation.
How are you doing? Are you ok?

In the past, this question used to be a simple conversation starter, rather than feel like a genuine inquiry. And for most people, it doesn’t feel like such an easy question to answer anymore either. It’s been 36 days (and counting!), but when did you last take a break and make some time for yourself?
With plenty of resources and support at hand to keep the kids happy and balanced, it’s time to take a long hard look in the mirror. That’s right parents, we’re talking to you!
Prioritise yourself
Feeling frazzled? Maybe it’s time to take some time out. We know there’s a lot on at the moment and it might not feel like there’s a whole lot of time spare, but “Me Time’ does not have to take up a lot of your time. Half an hour here or there can do miracles for your mind and body. Grab a magazine, light up your favourite scented candle, or jump in the bath for a good old soak. Prioritise some time for you, so that you get the chance to switch off and recharge, ready to re-enter the family circus with a renewed sense of control.
Our top tips
To help you relight your fire, Garden International School and HappyGoKL have joined forces to bring you our top tips to get you started:
- Disconnect from social media & limit your media consumption.
Social media is a great way to stay connected but it can also set unrealistic expectations and add pressure… cue envy inducing craft creations in your favourite mum blog, insta worthy curated mealtimes and don’t even get us started on those super toned bods! It’s not just you! While most online content is made with the best intentions, it’s important to remember that these ideals do not represent everyday life. Enjoy in moderation and remember social media is not reality! - Keep in touch with family and friends.
Send a little video snippet of your day or organise a house party or group quiz with some of your favourite people. Some popular tools to stay connected include Houseparty, Jitsi, Marco Polo and Zoom. - Teamwork makes the household work!
Take time with your partner to build a routine not only for the kids but also for yourselves. Take turns with the children, make a WFH (working from home) schedule that actually works and schedule that all important me-time equally! And for the lover birds, why not schedule a romantic coffee date on the balcony before the kids are awake or turn date night into a session of good old board games before calling it a day? - Get physical – keep moving!
Sluggish bodies make for sluggish minds; it’s now more important than ever to pay attention to our physical health. That doesn’t mean it’s a 30 minute HITT class or nothing, but pay attention to your body. Get up from the desk or the sofa, take time to stretch or go for a walk (around the living room if needs be!). Try out a Youtube yoga session or join your kid’s PE class, there’s certainly no shortage of great online workouts to try at the moment.

- It’s ok not to be ok.
Worry is natural during times of uncertainty, but you don’t always have to act on your anxieties. Be aware of your moods and how they’re affecting your behaviour. For example, if you’re feeling nervous about going outside, focus on the facts rather than your fears to help you make the right decision. - Write down all your worries.
Externalising our worries can help us see them in a tangible way, which makes it easier to set them aside. - Plug into meditations and mindfulness to ground yourself in moments of anxiety. Our thoughts and emotions can be acknowledged and let go of through a variety of apps. Our favourites include The Smiling Mind, Stop Breathe Think, Calm and the Simple Habit-series.
- And last but not least: remember there is no right way to feel right now.
We’re all in the same boat and you are not alone in this crazy storm! Take strength in the fact that we’re all in this together and together we’ve got this! #SmarterStrongerTogether

Free coaching session on Friday 24 April
In cooperation with Garden International School and the creation of a new community group called SmarterStrongerTogether, we’re inviting you for a virtual session with psychotherapist and Head of Counseling at GIS, Ms Beth Alpert. Beth will help you set out 30 minutes to focus on you, by providing tips and a fun take on how to switch off from family life. This interactive event will take place on Friday 24 April at 8.30pm on Instagram. It’s free and it’s easy to join! How? Keep an eye out for announcements here on our FB page and on Friday 8.30pm hop over to Instagram.

This post is co-created with Garden International School