ISKL is celebrating its 55th anniversary

The International School of Kuala Lumpur is celebrating 55 years of international education and offers 55% off Family and Student Registration fees, for 55 days. It seems a magical number indeed!

ISKL is changing the world – one student at a time! Over the past 55 years, the school has grown from 48 students in 1965 to a dynamic community of 1,700 students representing over 65 nationalities in 2020.  

Supporting students

ISKL believes that the school’s success in preparing students for their future depends on how well they are supported in developing 21st-century skills today. We live in a world where self-directedness, the ability to think creatively, reason critically, and communicate effectively are essential for success. ISKL believes one of its most important roles is to guide, mentor, and support students to take on new responsibilities, face challenges, and learn to be agile. 

A holistic approach to future-readiness

ISKL’s approach to future-readiness is based on research and best practice. We conduct innovative academic and co-curricular activities, that provide students with school-wide opportunities to develop and practice skills that will last a lifetime. The rigorous  curriculum is complemented by a values-based educational philosophy that incorporates service learning and sustainability. This ensures that in addition to academic outcomes, students have a strong understanding of the importance and impact of taking positive action to affect change at both a local and global level. 

Learning support

As a fully inclusive school, ISKL’s programming provides equal access and opportunity for all students to succeed and find their passion. Students benefit from an extensive support services team, which includes English as an Additional Language (EAL), Learning Resource (LR) and Counseling professionals. They work with classroom teachers to design learning that addresses the needs of every learner and fosters growth in the areas of academics, language acquisition, and social-emotional learning.

We’re celebrating!

For 55 years, ISKL has remained focused on its commitment to developing future-ready, internationally-minded, self-directed students who go on to make a difference in the world. To celebrate its 55th Anniversary, ISKL is offering 55% off Family and Student Registration fees for 55 days for students applying to enroll in August 2021. To take advantage of this opportunity, submit the application between November 1 and December 25, 2020. Click here for more details or contact or +603 4813 5004.*

Be inspired by #ISKLChangingTheWorld and #ISKLHopeForTheFuture. Click here to start your child’s application on a learning journey at ISKL that will change their lives – and our world!

* Terms and conditions apply.

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About ISKL

Established in 1965, The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) has become known as a center of excellence in the world of international education. ISKL is a co-educational, private, not-for-profit school responsible for the learning journey of over 1,700 students aged 3-18 years representing more than 65 nationalities at its campus in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.

ISKL offers a robust international curriculum which combines leading North American educational frameworks with global best practice. The curriculum recognizes that students are on a lifelong learning journey and is driven by ISKL’s mission to challenge each student to “Be All You Are” and develop the attitudes, skills, knowledge, and understanding to become a highly successful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.

ISKL is accredited internationally through the Council of International Schools (CIS), and in the United States through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). There is a strong focus on service and sustainability across its divisions and is a member of the Eco-Schools organization and the Green Schools Alliance.

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